Kate Hackett

Actor, Writer, Producer

Kate Hackett


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Performance Art: Soprano I/II, classically trained singer, Opera, basic violin & fiddle, basic piano, accents
Sports & Movement: USS Swimmer (all strokes), advanced horseback riding, basic dance, basic bicycling
Fun Stuff: Photography, Cooking, Baking, Archeology
Social Media: Transmedia, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr
Other: Green screen, Teleprompter, Driver’s license, VALID PASSPORT
Local Hire: Los Angeles, New York/New Jersey, Maryland, East Coast, Georgia, Austin, Dallas


Classic Alice: SNOBBYROBOT best actress nominee, HOLLYWEB FESTIVAL selection (and more) / 2mil+ Views
Not a Plan: ITVFEST selection
Kate & Joe and Partners in Pretension:Hollyweb Festival Selection
Attic: SoCal Independent Fest
The Babysitter: Block Island Film Festival Selection .
Vocals: NATS State & Regional Competitions – Superior ratings for musicals and classical

Kate Hackett

Actor, Writer, Producer